FEC's online sales
12 Apr

4 Ways to Increase Your FEC’s Online Sales

4 Ways to Increase Your FEC’s Online Sales

Without a need for further explanation, the leisure and attractions industries faced a difficult last few years. With a brighter outlook on the horizon, we want to help your FEC get back on track and exceed your previous sales, and part of that lies in your FEC software. More specifically – online sales. Your customers can make purchases online from the comfort of their homes without having to wait in line, and your employees get to focus on providing the ultimate guest experience during operating hours instead of stuck behind the ticket counter. It’s a win-win for both sides.

1: Study Your Online Consumer Behavior

It is crucial to understand how your consumers make the decisions to purchase, or omit purchasing, your products/tickets. With the right FEC ticketing software, you can track where potential customers drop out of the buying experience, like a sales funnel. Finding trends and analyzing common points where customers are leaving the buying process can help you discover pain points you didn’t even know your family entertainment center even had. Some of these issues that tend to arise include issues with pricing models, lengthy buying processes, lack of transparency, and even the FEC ticketing or booking software itself.

2: Enhance Your FEC’S Online Sales Experience

Despite the many phenomenal and organized websites that exist in the world wide web, there are still a lot of bad ones out there. Potential customers can become skeptical when a site’s usability does not seem trustworthy, or even efficient. With the global concern over cybersecurity growing each day, it shouldn’t come as a surprise when potential customers don’t want to share their personal and financial information over a webpage that looks unstable. Parfait’s online sales software supports more than 25+ payment gateways across the world, all PCI DSS certified, keeping your customer’s data secure and their minds at ease. Some of these gateways include FirstData, CardConnect, Stripe, CreditCall, and WorldPay – just to name a few!


The best way to convert your website traffic into actual conversions comes from focusing on your overall online sales experience. Once they arrive to your home page or landing page, every step should be clear and concise. Navigation across the sales platform needs to be user friendly, the visual design should not overwhelm the service or product you are trying to promote, and the quality of the content should be descriptive (text) and sharp (images). Ensure that your online sales hub is decluttered, includes transparency of all fees, and has a streamlined flow to ensure your potential customer actually gets to the point of receiving that confirmation email/SMS/WHATSAPP once they’ve made a purchase!

3: Don’t Underestimate Email or SMS/WhatsApp Marketing

While social media has definitely made its mark on the 21st century in terms of being used as a marketing tool, not all old-school marketing methods should be put away to collect dust just yet. Aside from word-of-mouth marketing, email marketing is still the most efficient, and trusted, form of communicating from a B2B or B2C perspective. It technically has been around before the Google, Amazon, or Instagram shopping of today. Email marketing has come a long way since it started. They are no longer shots into the dark, hoping that somebody opens and reads them.

The same goes for SMS or WhatsApp marketing. With handheld devices, potential customers can get notifications on their mobile devices about flash sales or updates – in real time, with links leading them to your website. You now have insights into how many people open emails, click on links, and even if they repeatedly refer to an email campaign.

With features like adding links to images or being able to integrate your email or mobile campaigns with your FEC booking software, are all drivers to your website, and therefore lead to conversions. That’s why it’s important to collect contact information, like email addresses or phone numbers, from your customers or potential customers. We encourage you to use these resources to send out newsletters for special promotions, discounts, facility updates, or event announcements to that audience.

4: Make In-Store Purchases Easier

Yes, online sales can still be made by guests in-person, while inside your family entertainment center! Sometimes guests change their minds, or their situations change while they are at your facility. Maybe they didn’t plan on needing a locker and wanted to keep their belongings on their person throughout the day. If someone in their party won a prize that’s a little larger than they’d like to carry around for the remainder of their visit, they can now seamlessly scan a QR or barcode to rent their locker right from their phones.

Another easy fix? You can provide Parafait’s Self-Service Kiosks to allow guests to purchase RFID cards or even add more funds to their accounts for more playtime, all without the involvement of your employees. It’s convenient for your guests, as there is no wait, and it provides a hassle-free cashless payment system. Guests will enjoy that they can make these purchases in their own time, from the palm of their hand, at any location in the FEC.

Parafait’s online FEC ticketing software provides the all-in-one, party booking, cashless card system, and guest CRM software that your family entertainment center needs. We believe in providing an elevated guest experience as the new norm, and we want to make that easy for you to implement.

Contact us to inquire about our holistic technology solutions, or to learn more about our clients who use and love Parafait as their FEC software solution.

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Phil Showler
Sales Partner, USA @ Semnox Solutions |  + posts
Phil Showler

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