13 Mar

Life without Automation: Before Arcade Management Software

Life without Automation: Before Arcade Management Software

Let’s go back in time to a place where automation and cashless transactions didn’t exist yet. A time before Semnox hit the scene with RFID technology for family entertainment centers, arcades, amusement parks and waterparks. The days when coin-operated games and paper tickets ruled supreme. Today, we’re going to take a look at the operator’s journey before the technology boom.

Customer Experience

Let’s go back in time to a place where automation and cashless transactions didn’t exist yet. A time before Semnox hit the scene with RFID technology for family entertainment centers, arcades, amusement parks and waterparks. The days when coin-operated games and paper tickets ruled supreme. Today, we’re going to take a look at the operator’s journey before the technology boom.

Operational Inefficiencies

From an operator’s perspective, managing an arcade without automation posed numerous challenges. Coin machine and dispenser maintenance were constant concerns, requiring dedicated staff to address issues promptly. Managing an arcade without automation also required skilled personnel capable of troubleshooting technical issues throughout the day.

 “The old method of our redemption counter was as we see at most FECs, where we have a couple of redemption stations, and kids will crowd around picking up prizes. In our facility, we do not have the space to do a retail-style layout for a redemption counter. Now, customers can choose their prizes independently, reducing staffing costs during slower periods.” – Jeff Willy, Owner, Loveland Laser Tag

Without a centralized system for redemption management, operators had to rely on manual ticket counting, leaving ample room for errors and discrepancies. Manual processes were inherently slower and more prone to errors, leading to inefficiencies in day-to-day operations. Moreover, the sheer volume of cash transactions posed risks such as revenue loss, mishandling, and even theft, necessitating stringent oversight and security measures.

Lack of Data Insights

In the absence of integrated arcade management software, operators struggled to gather meaningful insights into their business operations. Without data tracking capabilities, they were unable to assess the popularity of individual games or track customer preferences accurately. This lack of visibility hindered decision-making processes, making it challenging to optimize pricing strategies or implement targeted marketing initiatives. Loyalty programs, if they existed at all, were disjointed and ineffective due to the lack of communication between point-of-sale systems and other aspects of the venue.

Looking Forward: The Impact of Automation

With the advent of Semnox’s Parafait Suite and similar arcade management solutions, the landscape of entertainment center operations has undergone a transformative shift. Automation has streamlined processes, alleviating common pain points such as staffing, coin jams and manual counting. Cashless transactions have enhanced security and convenience for both operators and customers alike.

“Parafait has brought us into the 21st century. We didn’t realize how many sales we were missing because we were a cash-only facility,” said Ryan Kiska, owner and operator of Island Breeze Casino and Boardwalk Casino Arcade.

Moreover, robust data analytics capabilities empower operators to make informed decisions, optimize revenue streams, and deliver personalized experiences that drive customer loyalty.

In conclusion, life before arcade management software was characterized by inefficiencies, operational challenges, and missed opportunities for customer engagement. Semnox’s Parafait Suite has emerged as a game-changer in the industry, revolutionizing the way entertainment centers are managed and elevating the overall customer experience to new heights. As technology continues to evolve, the future of arcade management promises even greater innovation and advancement, shaping the next chapter of this dynamic industry.

Vinayaka Kamath
Business Head, UK and Europe at  | Website |  + posts
Vinayaka Kamath

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