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Inventory Management systems

Boost Profits at your FEC with Improved Inventory Management

Boost Profits at your FEC with Improved Inventory Management [responsivevoice_button] The perishable and non-perishable stock at your Family Entertainment Centre (FEC) requires a holistic inventory management system that can help you track and manage it effortlessly. While your average stock control system tells you what’s in stock...

Inventory Management with Parafait Family Entertainment Center Solutions

3 Must-Have Features in a Trampoline Park Management Software

3 Must-Have Features in a Trampoline Park Management Software Having the right software in place to manage a trampoline park can simplify the process for owners, reduce the burden on staff, and ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for visiting guests. But identifying the right trampoline...

Family Entertainment Center Software

5 Essential Features of a Family Entertainment Center Software

5 Essential Features of a Family Entertainment Center Software [responsivevoice_button] Over the years, Family Entertainment Centers (FECs) have evolved to become hubs for holistic entertainment. In the past, you had to go to one venue if you wanted to play arcade games and another venue to jump...

waiver management much simpler

“Going digital makes the whole process of waiver management much simpler,” says Umesh Prabhu — FEC Head for Semnox

“Going digital makes the whole process of waiver management much simpler,” says Umesh Prabhu — FEC Head for Semnox [responsivevoice_button] Digital waiver management is revolutionizing the entertainment and leisure industry, streamlining the process by which waivers are signed and validated. The Parafait waiver management solution is quickly...